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Mr Tev Aho

Mr Tev Aho


London, W1U 5NY

Verified profile

29 years of experience

Verified profile

29 years of experience



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Filter by condition:
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP) (232)
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (55)
Overactive Bladder (8)
Blood in Urine (Haematuria) (7)
Urology (7)

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*Star rating based on patient reviews

250 reviews


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

I had a HOLEP procedure by Mr Aho in Oct last year. I can strongly recommend Mr Aho as he was first class throughout. I was recommended to see him as he has probably done the most of these procedures in this country and has taught and mentored several other surgeons as well. Mr Aho was professional and approachable and I felt very looked after. As a surgeon myself I felt he fulfilled my high expectations admirably. I had an overnight stay with the catheter out after 24 hrs, went back to work after 2 weeks and was completely recovered at 3 months. Highly recommend!

06 Jan 2022verified patient
Patient seen for:
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

I thought Mr Tev Aho's approach to me hoLEP was 'can-do' from the start. Plainly a very skilled surgeon I gladly placed my self in his care and the results have been extremely good. He has reduced the size of my prostate so enabling me to pass urine satisfactorily and I was able to do this within 24 hours of the operation itself. Since then my flow has been fine and i no longer need plastic tubes down my leg. All thanks to Tev Aho.

05 Jan 2022verified patient
Patient seen for:
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

Mr Aho provides a first class service. Despite the restrictions of Covid my treatment went ahead as planned and has been entirely successful. I spent too many years putting up with prostrate related problems and wish that I had sought advice from Mr Aho sooner than I did. I cannot recommend him too highly.

05 Jan 2022verified patient
Patient seen for:
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

In 2018, following an MRI, I was diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The MRI showed that my prostate was exceptionally large, estimated at 180 cc. No treatment was proposed for the time being. Then unexpectedly on 26 August, 2021, I could not pass urine at all and was fitted a catheter in the Accident and Emergency department of my local hospital and was given medication which is supposed to reduce the size of the prostate and improve the flow of urine but this could take up to one year to take effect and I really didn’t fancy living with a catheter for up to one year. Due to my exceptionally large prostate ( 180 cc in 2018 but probably even larger by 2021), these medications had no chance of resolving my problem. I discovered that there is a bewildering range of treatments such as REZUM ( Water Vapor Therapy) , Prostate Artery Embolization, TURP, Greenlight Laser, TUNA and HOLEP ( Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate) and it seemed that urologists tended to recommend the procedure in which they specialised. I was totally confused. Fortunately, I was introduced by a friend to Mr. Tevita Aho of Cambridge Urology Partnership who had worked with the original developers of the HOLEP technique in New Zealand and is now Urology Consultant at Cambridge Addenbrooke’s Hospital . He had already done 2,500 HOLEP procedures, the results of most of these having been documented and published, therefore, I had no doubt that this procedure has been proven to be safe and effective. It offered quicker results, quicker recovery time with minimal blood loss and was an ideal technique to deal with my extra large prostate. Several of the other options would have offered a temporary solution only with a high probability of having to undergo a repeat procedure after a short time while with HOLEP it is unlikely that I will ever need any subsequent interventions. Mr. Tevita Aho has the experience, exceptional skills and ability to handle virtually any size of prostate which cannot be said for all surgeons offering HOLEP. For all these reasons I decided to ask Mr. Aho to operate on me in the Princess Grace Hospital in London using the HOLEP technique which is now acknowledged to be the GOLD STANDARD for BPH. The central part of the prostate which compresses the urethra is removed by laser thereby freeing the urethra from compression and allowing the free flow of urine from the bladder. This operation is minimally invasive “ trans-urethral” using a scope with a camera at the end of it and there is no skin incision at all. Science fiction available today ! Both the preop and post op care were superb, I had no postoperative pain at all, left the hospital 2 days after the operation and a few days later I was passing urine normally. I will undoubtedly recommend Mr. Aho to friends and others who may be suffering from the same problem as I was. The choice of surgeon with the right skills and experience is vital for a good outcome.

05 Jan 2022verified patient
Patient seen for:
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

Friendly yet succinct and informative .

05 Jan 2022verified patient
Patient seen for:
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
Overactive Bladder
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

My experience has been excellent from start to finish. Mr Aho's description of the HoLep process from pre -surgery to post surgery and recovery was accurate though out with the results nothing short of remarkable.

04 Jan 2022verified patient
Patient seen for:
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

After years of my quality of life being affected by retentions and other unpleasant complications, was I happy being referred to Mr. Tev Aho by my latest Urologist in Dublin who said that Mr Aho is the top in his field of expertise to operate on my size prostate. The procedure was very successful and I was able to fly home in two days . Incredible.! Apparently I broke the record in the Princess Grace Hospital for the largest prostate they had operated on. I am so grateful for his kindness and for such a successful outcome. Can’t thank Mr.Aho enough and can now look forward a better quality of life thanks to him .

23 Dec 2021verified patient
Patient seen for:
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

I chose to be treated by Mr Aho because of his reputation as one of the most experienced people for HoLEP treatment. It is now just 76 hours since the procedure and I am pain free and delighted with the results so far. He took time to explore options with me regarding my concerns about possible side effects. Having discussed and agreed a plan, he met me immediately afterwards to confirm what had been done and reviewed me the following day before discharge. The time with him gave me confidence about the procedure and the next steps on recovery.

21 Dec 2021verified patient
Patient seen for:
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

Mr Aho is an excellent consultant who completely covered my procedure, its after effects and the convalescence and who gave me great confidence in his ability

26 Nov 2021verified patient
Patient seen for:
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

I am 63 years old & suffered a complete retention of urine in April 2021. Following catheterisation & a course of tablets, which unfortunately made no difference I was referred to Mr. Aho. Due to Covid restrictions, I had a telephone consultation in which he explained in very simple terms exactly what the process involved, my expected recovery, cost & possible complications. Having decided to go ahead, I went to London for the procedure. I checked into The Princess Grace Hospital at 6.00 am, had the op at 10.00am & was back in my room by 12.30. There was very little discomfort & I was released the next day in the early afternoon. I cannot speak highly enough of the whole process, particularly of Mr. Aho. Now 5 months later I have fully recovered & I am in a lot better position than most of my friends of a similar age ! I can sleep all night, without having to visit the loo & have no problems starting & finishing when I do go! My wife & I are delighted with the result, in many ways!!

22 Nov 2021verified patient
Patient seen for:
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)