Introducing Ideal Fit Center, a leading modified Ketogenic weight loss protocol

ideal fit rehabilitation center

In this article, we interview Dr Babak Jamalian, the managing Medical Director of Ideal Fit Rehabilitation Center, to put a spotlight on the clinic. Dr Babak Jamalian is an experienced specialist in obesity and diabetes prevention, with over 25 years of experience in the medical field.

What is the ethos of your clinic?

The ethos of our clinic is to help people lose weight in a healthy way under the observation of our Clinical Dietitian and by using the Ideal Protein protocol and products.

What conditions, treatments do you specialise in?

Ideal Fit Center is a franchise of Ideal Protein, which helps people lose weight in a healthy way. We are following a protocol where we maintain the muscle and focus on losing the body fat by providing our FDA-approved ideal protein meals.

More information about Ideal Fit

What makes you stand out as a clinic?

The advantage of our program is that we have a Clinical Dietitian that guides and sees the dieters on a weekly basis and complete measurements and Body Composition Analyses. Additionally, they observe the overall process of weight loss.

Can you tell us about a success story where you treated a particularly challenging case?

ideal fit rehabilitation center dubai

Our first successful dieter is Abdulla. He was 18 years old when he started with us and weighed 145kgs. Abdulla and his mother came to us to only consult about the diet plan. When his mom was convinced with starting the program, she was always compelling Abdulla to visit us every week to see the dietitian. Before this, Abdulla was losing hope about losing weight because he tried lots of programs but didn’t work for him. 

As a team at Ideal Fit Center, we are always encouraging our dieters whenever they feel afraid or do not believe in themselves to start a new lifestyle. But after 1 month and almost 10kgs lost, Abdulla starts coming on his own accord, with a smile and looks very inspired and motivated to continue. After 28 weeks coming to Ideal Fit, Abdulla has lost 60kgs and is a very happy young man as he was telling us that he can now ride a horse and go to carnivals.

How do you keep up to date with the latest research and technology?

As a franchise of Ideal Protein that is based in Canada, we always keep each other in the loop through emails and video calls for meetings regarding upgrading or updating the program and product details. You can see attached a video of a sample study made by a Cardiologist Doctor who used Ideal Protein program.

As a clinic, you are engaging in patient feedback with Doctify – what importance do you place on patient feedback? 

Patient feedback is very important to us to help us know what we need to improve on, and how friendly my team with is the patient in terms of greetings and assisting them. Secondly, the feedback on the consultation process with the dietitian in terms of how she explained the program is important to us, and how knowledgeable she is on answering all questions from our dieters. Finally, receiving feedback on the meals, specifically, the varieties and tastes of them is important to us.

How do you think the wider medical field is adapting to a more connected and informed patient?

We should have conferences and symposiums for doctors because the diet that our clinic prescribes is a treatment for conditions like Metabolic Syndrome and Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. We should have more meetings and collaborations as well to some organizations to help people that are suffering from any health issues that relates to obesity.

For more information about Ideal Fit Rehabilitation Center, such as reviews and to book an appointment, you can click the button below.

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