Our review rules and guidelines

We are committed to building a trusted healthcare review platform that contains genuine experiences from real patients

we review

all feedback

When reviews are submitted to Doctify, our trained professionals and anti-fraud software determine whether the feedback is real and in line with our acceptable use policy.

our review rules


Reviews must be accurate and contain genuinely held opinions. Any reviews that could be misleading or that are flagged as deceptive, fake or fraudulent will not be used on our platform.


If reviews include personally identifiable information, such as a patient’s full name, phone number or email address, they can’t be posted.


We won’t publish defamatory reviews or reviews that have the intention of harassing, upsetting, embarrassing or annoying another person. Any hateful, threatening or inflammatory language will not be tolerated.


If reviews contain unsolicited medical advice, they can’t be published on our platform.


We are unable to publish claims that we can’t validate without independent medical expertise.

Fair and equal

Discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age is not accepted.


We don’t publish reviews that promote websites, products, topics or items unrelated to the patient experience.

Patient reviews must be verified and compliant with our acceptable use policy

Healthcare providers who work with Doctify are bound by our terms and conditions to use the platform in a legitimate and honest manner.

If we suspect any misuse of the platform, this is taken extremely seriously and investigated as a matter of urgency. We are continually strengthening our prevention and detection strategies to allow us to combat fake and fraudulent reviews as effectively as possible.

every flagged or reported review is investigated​

If you believe that a review published on Doctify doesn’t meet our guidelines, we’ll investigate. Our clinical governance committee examines all flagged reviews to determine whether they comply with our acceptable use policy. This is how our reporting process works:


A patient leaves a review


The review is verified and assessed by Doctify


An email notification is sent to the relevant healthcare provider


The provider can report the review if necessary


We get in contact to find out more information


Our clinical governance committee reviews all flagged feedback


The person who reported the review is notified of the outcome


If the review breaches Doctify’s policies, it is archived


The decision can be appealed if needed

negative reviews are important

We publish all reviews, positive or negative, as long as they comply with the acceptable use policy

We never remove reviews just because they are negative. This type of feedback tells an important story and can be incredibly valuable not only to patients, but to healthcare providers wanting to offer the very best level of care.

A healthcare provider who receives a negative review through Doctify has the ability to respond. That is something that we encourage as it can be an effective way of building trust between patients and providers.

quote icon Duncan Thompson Head of Product

“Our analysts, engineers and clinical governance committee are all dedicated to creating a platform that builds trust and transparency between patients and providers. We work hard to eliminate fake and fraudulent reviews that would prevent all parties from being able to view open, honest and importantly, useful feedback.”
