Do you know what an Audiologist actually does?

Written by Mr Dylan Walker for Doctify

Most people take their hearing for granted. That is, until they lose it.

There are approximately 10 million individuals living with varying degrees of hearing impairment in the UK. That translates to one in every six-people having some form of hearing impairment.

Is this figure overlooked because hearing impairment is invisible?  Would you know who to turn to in the instance of an aural dilemma?

Here to give us an insight into this particular question and why it is so important is Audiologist, Mr Dylan Walker.

What is an Audiologist?

An Audiologist is a highly skilled and qualified professional when it comes to hearing health and the auditory system. With hearing impairment being the second largest disability in the UK, Audiologists have a hugely significant role to carry out in the realm of healthcare.

What does an Audiologist do?

As a healthcare profession, Audiology involves assessment, management and therapeutic rehabilitation of people with hearing and balance problems, and associated disorders. This work involves patients of all ages, from new-born babies and children to working adults and elderly people.

How do you know if you should seek out the help of an Audiologist?

Whether you’re after care, enhancement, or protection, the Audiologist is hear for you!

Fun fact

Did you know? “Your ears never stop hearing, even when you sleep. Your brain just ignores incoming sounds.”

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