تسجيل دخول المستخدم

Dr Zain Ladha

Functional Medicine, Holistic Therapy


ملف تعريف موثق

12 سنوات الخبرة

وسائل الإعلام
الأسئلة الشائعة


جميع التقييمات(11)
اخر 7 ايام
آخر 30 يومًا
آخر 6 أشهر
التحديد حسب الحالة:
Naturopathic Medicine (7)
Hormone Disorders (Female) (4)
Stress (4)
Nutrition (3)
Women's Health (3)

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*التقييم بالنجوم بناءً على آراء المرضى

11 التقييمات


I go to Dr. Zain for all my health needs. Dr. Zain is extremely thorough and provides ample time and care with far more attention and face time than I have ever received with any other doctor. I’ve seen her for hypnotherapy and found that she carefully digs in to uncover any underlying childhood trauma. I was very surprised how refreshed I felt afterwards and realized that I haven’t dealt with all of my childhood issues. Apparently we all do! :-) I also saw Dr. Zain for my hormonal imbalance, gut health and overall functional medicine related issues. With her treatment plan - that looks at the whole body as one - I feel so much better and have my body in control, for the first time in decades. Her personality, caring heart, professionalism and deep knowledge in naturopathic medicine have been exactly what I needed. Since I was so impressed, I have taken both of my children to her as well.

16 Jan. 2024مريض موثوق به
زيارة المريض من أجل:
Hormone Disorders (Female)
Women's Health
Naturopathic Medicine