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Mr Tom Holland

Mr Tom Holland

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

London, W1U 5NY

Verified profile

22 years of experience

Verified profile

22 years of experience



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Endometriosis (13)
Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis (6)
Advanced Endometriosis (5)
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*Star rating based on patient reviews

18 reviews


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

Tom Holland is amazing! He explains things so well and makes me feel at ease. He really understands and listens to his patients. He is the best!

28 Feb 2024verified patient
Patient seen for:
Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis
Fibroid Surgery


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

I have always had painful periods, but nothing that I thought was unusual. However, in the past year I started to get extreme pain in my stomach, that felt very different from normal menstrual cramps, but always on the 3rd day of my periods. I spent 12+ hours in the A&E on two different occasions in the same year due to such severe pain that I started to faint. The first visit they concluded that I had to have my appendix removed and the second they sent me home with antibiotics as they thought I had some sort of infection. In both cases, I was told I should have a follow up with gynae. So, when the second doctor I saw in gynae told me that she was confused by my situation. that she did all that she knew to do and that she could not see anything wrong, she suggested I see a consultant as they may be better able to see something in my scans. After she mentioned it was possible that I had the start of endometriosis I started searching for more information on this disease as I had never heard of it. I stumbled onto a video of a women sharing her journey dealing with endometriosis and just cried as I listened to her telling about how she thought that her really painful periods starting at a young age was normal, the different doctors she had met with that didn’t see anything wrong, the extreme pain that caused her to faint, the days she spent in the A&E with different possible answers, and having her appendix removed which is commonly a misdiagnosis with endometriosis; it all sounded so familiar. I was a bit shaken by the number of years it took for her to ultimately find a team of consultants that specialize in endometriosis that finally helped her. So, I quickly started searching for a consultant that specialised in endometriosis and found Tom Holland’s name. In the very first 30-minute meeting with him, he listened to me intently and agreed that my symptoms all aligned with endometriosis. Even without any answers this helped me feel a bit better that I wasn’t crazy and that I was in the right place. I had heard that endometriosis could only be diagnosed with surgery, but Tom quickly put my worries at ease and told me that he could spot it in scans with a high level of certainty. I was able to get the ultrasound scheduled soon after my initial consultation with him and an appointment to discuss the results a few days later. I was relieved to hear this as my previous experiences had taken months to get the next appointment. Once Tom confirmed that I did have endometriosis he clearly described 7 different options for me to consider, all from doing nothing to a full hysterectomy. He talked through the pros and cons of each option thoughtfully and gave me the time in the discussion to think about each and to ask questions. He did not push for me to have surgery and in some discussions even suggested that I hold off with surgery until I tried other non-invasive options. When I asked for his advice, he did share it but was quick to tell me when other options may be just as effective without surgery. He was never rushed in our discussions, never got annoyed with me re-asking questions or when he had to repeat what he had just said. He showed me the scans and explained what he saw in layman terms and gave me time to digest what he told me before asking me what I wanted to do. I ended up having 2 separate surgeries; the first to remove one of my ovaries given there was some uncertainty on if there was cancer and this was scheduled for just a few weeks after I met with Tom to discuss the results of the scan. The first surgery went very smoothly; I recovered very quickly and thankfully it confirmed that I did not have cancer. Tom confirmed that he saw severe endometriosis, and again showed me images from the surgery to help me in making my decision on the next step. I ultimately decided to go forward with a second surgery to remove my uterus, cervix, fallopian tube and to remove as much endometriosis as possible that was attached to my bowel but leaving one ovary to help with maintaining hormone levels. This surgery was quite a bit more involved, and the recovery took longer, but I am so happy I went through with it because the pain associated with my periods has not returned. In preparing for the surgery, I got an implant that temporarily initiated menopause to slow the growth of more endometriosis and so I did get hot flashes and a change in my emotions associated with that medication. After my surgery I had some strange weakening of muscles that led to severe back pain and then frozen shoulder syndrome, which required physiotherapy and a lot of patience, so it wasn’t all a wonderful experience. However, throughout the time leading up to my surgery and post-surgery, Tom regularly called to check in on me. I am so incredibly grateful I met Tom Holland and can’t recommend him enough. He is thoughtful, kind and caring. He is always calm; he explains things in a way that those of us not in the medical field can understand and always makes you feel like you are his highest priority.

18 Feb 2024verified patient
Patient seen for:
Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis

Reply from Tom Holland

Thank you for your detailed feedback. I am very pleased to hear that you are happy with the care you received. It was my pleasure to look after you and I am delighted that your pain is gone.

19 Feb 2024


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

I have found Mr Holland to be extremely, knowledgeable and is friendly in his delivery of information, no question is to small for you to ask him. I would highly recommend him.

06 Feb 2024verified patient
Patient seen for:
Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis

Reply from Tom Holland

Thank you for your feedback. I am glad you had a positive experience.

08 Feb 2024


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

My experience with Mr Holland has been great from the start and through out my treatment. He listened to my complaints and expedited treatment requirements promptly. Lovely surgeon with a great bedside manner who truly cares for his patients.

31 Jan 2024verified patient
Patient seen for:
Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis

Reply from Tom Holland

Thank you for your kind feedback. It is great to hear that you are happy with the care you got from my team.

08 Feb 2024


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

My surgery was complicated. Mr Holland looked after the endometriosis side of my issues. On first impressions one may think he is rather serious and reserved which may make one feel adverse to asking him questions, but this is not the case. After my first consultation with him I found Mr Holland very approachable, knowledgeable, confident, easy to talk to, able to explain complicated medical situations in as simple layman's terms as possible, and was happy to answer any questions l had. Pre op l was able to contact him with any queries and he always followed them up. He is very likeable and l felt both comfortable and reassured by him both pre and post op. When you get to know him better you realise he actually has a dry sense of humour which is great!

28 Jan 2024verified patient
Patient seen for:
Advanced Endometriosis

Reply from Tom Holland

It was very satisfying to be part of the multi-specialty team for your difficult surgery. I am so pleased it went so well for you. Thank you for taking the time to leave such detailed feedback.

08 Feb 2024


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

Mr Tom Holland explained everything very clearly. I’ve seen doctors in the past about my pain but felt most confident and reassured being under his care for my endometriosis surgery. Mr Holland and his whole team took incredible care of me. Thank you so much.

27 Jan 2024verified patient
Patient seen for:
Laparoscopic (Key-Hole) Surgery
Advanced Endometriosis

Reply from Tom Holland

Thank you for your feedback. I'm very pleased that everything went so well for you.

28 Jan 2024


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

After undergoing a series of investigations and a surgery at a private North London hospital I was left dissatisfied, anxious and in desperate need of a second opinion supported by my healthcare insurer. I Googled gynaecologists and read many profiles, Mr Holland’s stood out to me as it covered every issue I had been told I had and that he specialised in laparoscopic surgery. I emailed Mr Holland’s secretary with a brief outline of my case and received an email back same day offering me an appointment. Karl, Mr Holland’s PA, has been very professional and efficient throughout helping me to gather all the necessary reports and images for Mr Holland prior to our first appointment. Mr Holland talked through the findings of the previous investigations and surgery and discussed my options in a calm, compassionate manner. Mr Holland also proactively discussed HRT with me, a subject which the previous gynaecologists had brushed aside. Mr Holland also looked at the wounds from the first surgery and prescribed me a course of antibiotics. I now had options to consider having believed a hysterectomy was the best/only way forward. Mr Holland suggested I take some time and write down any questions that came to mind and arranged to call me a week later. When we spoke the conversation flowed, my questions were answered and my fears allayed, I felt fully advised and comfortable to go ahead with Mr Holland who booked me in for surgery at The Princess Grace Hospital on 25th September 2023. Mr Holland performed a laparoscopic myomectomy, left salpingectomy, excision of endometriosis, cystoscopy, a left temporary uretic catheterisation and inserted a Mirena coil. When I came round from the operation I learnt that I had been fortunate to have two very skilled surgeons in theatre with me, Mr Holland and his partner Mr Cutner. At our post op follow up appointment Mr Holland and I discussed the outcome of the surgery, my recovery and recapped on the pros and cons of HRT and started me on oestrogen patches. I am so glad and grateful that my search led me to Mr Holland.

19 Jan 2024verified patient
Patient seen for:
Laparoscopic (Key-Hole) Surgery

Reply from Tom Holland

Thank you for your kind words. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. I am very pleased that I was able to help you.

24 Jan 2024


Overall Experience
Bedside Manner/Professionalism

I have had an excellent experience with Mr Holland. Not only do I get the impression he really listens to his patients, I also find him very knowledgeable and soothing in his bedside manner. Technically he is superb. I had a very difficult Mirena cool insertion due to cervical stenosis and deep endometriosis. Previously when I had this procedure 3 doctors had tried before one was successful. Mr Holland succeeded on the first attempt. There was minimal discomfort and he expertly used the right amount of local anaesthetic and used an ultrasound probe as well. I do not hesitate to recommend him. You are lucky if you have Mr Holland as your gynaecologist

10 Jan 2024verified patient
Patient seen for:
Ovarian Cysts
Advanced Endometriosis

Reply from Tom Holland

Thank you for this review. I am pleased that you had a good experience. It was a pleasure to look after you.

24 Jan 2024